Wednesday 22nd April 2020
8pm (UK)
This week have a fantastic educational line-up with the BOTA president , chair of the Specialist Advisory Committee (SAC) , the BOA Education Lead and a Training Programme Director. This special 60-minute webinar will explore the impact of COVID-19 on orthopaedic trainees. The evolving COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected every single person and changed all aspect of our normal practices. Elective operating has been stopped, the way we manage trauma has altered and many trainees have been redeployed to areas away from orthopaedics. Additionally, in-person National Selection has been cancelled, all training courses and specialist meetings have been postponed, and most regional teaching programmes have been put on hold. It is therefore not a surprise that this has resulted in uncertainty regarding training and what this means for trainees going forwards.
Surgical training has been a very fast moving area for the past 2 months and the panel will use this opportunity to update the audience on the latest news to help them navigate new challenges in the workplace.
Key topics to be discussed will include:
Join us on Wednesday 22nd April at 8pm GMT, to hear our panels thoughts and discussion.
Please submit any questions you would like answered (to the best of the panel’s ability at the time of the webinar) to As usual you will also be able to interact with the panel via the Q&A, but we will not be answering any questions regarding and individual trainees’ specific circumstances .
Target Audience: FY1 – CT2, ST3 – ST8, Fellows, and orthopaedic consultants involved in training, anyone interested in training and education.
All international guests are welcome to attend as they may find the discussion useful as the impact is global, but the specific focus this week will be on Trauma & Orthopaedic surgical training in the UK.