The East Of England orthopaedic Teaching and Education Association

Here you can find contact details for a number of people involved in the committee developed to improve the already amazing EOEOrtho training programme…….feel free to get in touch and if the person you’re looking for isn’t in the list email the communications team at communications@eoeortho.com and they should be able to help!

 RoleNameContact info
SAC Chair T&OMr Mark Bowditch
Training Program DirectorMr Phil Johnston
Further details and updates!
Education LeadMr Niel Kangsensei@eoeortho.com
Addenbrookes Hospital,
Hills Road,
Cambridge, CB2 0QQ
Trainee RepresentativesMr Arman Memarzadeh & Mr Mike Barretttraineerep@eoeortho.com
BOTA LinkmanMr Humza Osmanibota@eoeortho.com
Communications OfficerMiss Rachael Fisher communications@eoeortho.com
FundraisingMr Al Durstaldurst@eoeortho.com
TreasurerMr James Gill
Merchandise and MarketingMiss Mira Pecheva
Support FellowMiss Lynette Spalding
Mentoring; POWERMiss Pamela Garcia Pulidomentoring@eoeortho.com
WebmastersMr Michael Barrett and Miss Rachael Fisher hello@eoeortho.com
ORCAMiss Rumina Begum and Mr Damien Gill