HEEOE rules and regulations surrounding study leave have been updated and its important everyone is aware of the current rules; please see below.
Dear trainees,
As you will be aware, Health Education England introduced a new study leave policy in 2018/19. This has now been in place for one year and therefore it is expected that all trainees are familiar with the policy and application processes. However, it has come to our attention that many are still unfamiliar with the process, which is causing difficulties at Trust level and in claiming reimbursement.
Please see below key points relating to study leave applications:
- Your study leave must be approved (time and funding) by the appropriate person(s) prior to attendance, this includes the HEE EoE form when required – minimum of 6 weeks.
- Following attendance your expense claim must be submitted to your employing NHS Trust within 8 weeksof attending the course. Late claims will not be accepted.
- Any course which is not listed as an individual curriculum requirement for your specialty is classed as ‘aspirational’. Aspirational requests and curriculum requirement over £600 must be approved locally andhave the HEE EoE additional/aspirational form (attached), approved by your TPD/PGD.
- The HEE EoE additional/aspirational form must be completed electronically and contain the trainee and approvers digital ID – without this approval is not granted.
Overseas travel:
Revised guidelines for overseas travel have now been agreed and are available in the attached policy.
- Please ensure your application for overseas study leave funding is submitted tostudyleave.eoe@hee.nhs.uk a minimum of 6 weeks prior to the date of the activity.
- Submitting your application to the PGD is the final step in the approval chain, you must ensure you have followed the local process the time off is approved before the HEE EoE additional/aspirational form is submitted tostudyleave.eoe@hee.nhs.uk
Applications which do not follow the correct process will be declined and reimbursement will not be processed. In order to avoid disappointment, please do ensure you fully familiarise yourself with the new policy and process and submit your application and expenses within the given timescales.
Please find attached the following documents: Application Process Flowchart, HEE EoE Additional/Aspirational Form and the revised 2019 Study Leave Policy.
All information on study leave can be found here: https://heeoe.hee.nhs.uk/faculty-educators/study-leave.
If there is anything that you are unclear on, or would like to clarify, please don’t hesitate to contactstudyleave.eoe@hee.nhs.uk, or your local NHS employing Trust.