Dear all
On behalf of Mr Doug Hay I would like to invite you to the 2018 Cambridge Orthopaedic Club academic day and dinner, to be held on Friday 23rd March at St John’s College in the day and King’s College for dinner in the evening. This will obviously require study leave, hence the early information (only 3 weeks left to apply!).
The daytime events will start from 8:30am and include –
Prof Rene Verdonk from Belgium a world leader on the meniscus
- Dr Herb von Schroeder from Canada on the carpus
- Professor Chris Lavy from Oxford on his experience setting up African surgical training
- Professor Shafi Ahmed on tech innovation in Orthopaedics
The 10 best registrars papers will also be presented – All registrars are expected to submit an abstract (further details to follow).
The evening will start with a drinks reception from 7.00pm in King’s College. The dress code is black tie.
Payment is through the website ( which will be live at the end of the month.
Attendance for the day is compulsory, please email the training program director if you are unable to attend.
Yours sincerely,
Ross Coomber