Colchester Hospital


Address:Turner Rd, Colchester CO4 5JL
Phone:01206 747474
Number of Beds:562
Educational Supervisor:Mr Loeffler
Rota Co-Ordinator:Most senior SpR
Trauma Co-OrdinatorChanges daily

A busy orthopaedic department with 12 consultants some are paired together:

  • Parker – Lower limb arthroplasty
  • Shiv Shanker – Paediatrics
  • Williams – Foot and Ankle & Moore – Foot and ankle
  • Sloper – Lower limb arthroplasty
  • Wardle – lower limb arthroplasty
  • Stanton – upper Limb
  • Loeffler – Lower limb arthorplasty and soft tissue knee
  • Bradley – lower limb arthroplasty
  • Suresh – Spines and lower limb mix & Blackman – Spine
  • Hynes – Upper limb


This is done by Mr Sloper usually. He will give you a booklet on arrival. Bleep system is 7575 then bleep number then message. There is no SpR office! Wards are Great Tey for elective, Aldham for Male Trauma and Fordham for Female trauma. There is lots of e-learning! They send this to you to complete before you go and say they will pay you for it but the computer system is not very good at working out what you have and haven’t done so trying to get that pay is difficult. Notes are all paper based. Bloods on ICE, discharges also. There is a separate VTE computer programme and another one for theatre lists. Bighand for all electronic dictations.


1 in 9 on calls, currently there are two registrars from the East of England and three from the East London rotations, however these posts are in the process of being repatriated to the East of England.  The department all has three staff grades.

The most senior registrar is the rota co-ordinator (for the registrar and SHO rota).

Registrars are on call for 24 hours, being non-resident after 5pm in the week.  At the weekend on call from Saturday 8am to Monday 8am (again non-resident after 5pm each day).

A trauma list runs 08:00 – 17:30hrs including Saturday and Sunday. The SHO is 1st on call at all times. Unless you are unsafe to work you do not receive a compensatory rest day following on calls.


You operate with the consultant and supervision depends on ability. Trauma is supervised but if the consultant is away you may be given cases to do on the list if you and the consultants are happy. If the consultant is away you cover the trauma list session.


You have your own clinic running alongside the consultant clinic. This will continue to run if the consultant is away unless they deem you to need close supervision. No cross cover – 6 weeks notice for leave and then the clinic is cancelled.


Lunch time meetings on Thursdays are aimed mainly at SHO level as the East of England registrars have regional teaching then.

Daily trauma meetings offer teaching dependant on the case mix and consultant. Questions are welcome.

Trainee Comments

Colchester is a great place for getting some independent experience and operating on your won (depending on your skill) The bosses are all approachable and helpful. The SHO rota is patchy and there are several locums which can make the on calls a bit annoying. The CQC visit frequently and as a result changes keep getting made.