Address: | Heath Road Ipswich Suffolk, England |
Phone: | 01473 712233 |
Founded: | 1810 |
Number of Beds: | 800 |
Educational Supervisor: | Mr Servant |
Rota Co-Ordinator: | Jan King - |
Website: | |
Human Resources: | Debbie Allum |
Trauma Co-Ordinator | Matron - Jan Wright bleep 650 |
Welcome to the Trauma & Orthopaedic Department in Ipswich. This page will provide you with useful information specific to working as a SpR here.
Consultant rota
In Ipswich the T&O Consultant on-call system is a daily on-call system:
- 12 Consultants do a fixed weekday (Mon-Thu) 1:3 rota and work 1:12 weekends (Fri-Sun), although some Consultants split the weekend
- The on-call day runs from 08:00 to 08:00
Emergency admissions are admitted under the care of the Consultant on-call at the time the referral is accepted.
Each on-call day usually runs as follows:
- 08:00 Trauma Meeting (chaired by the Consultant on-call the previous day)
- 08:30 Fracture Clinic, including all new outpatients referred within the previous 24 hours (not Sat and Sun – Fri and Sat referrals are seen by the weekend Consultant on Mon)
- PM Administration: the Consultant may usually be found in his office
Following day:
- 08:00 Trauma Meeting
- Trauma Ward Round
- Trauma List in Lavender Theatre (in the South Theatres complex): 08:30 to 17:00 Monday to Friday, 08:30 to 13:00 on Saturday and Sunday
There is a separate spinal Consultant on-call rota.
The Consultants do not carry bleeps but may be contacted on their mobile phones or via switchboard.
SpR rota
During the weekday the on-call SpR may be scheduled to be in theatre, in which case a colleague must hold the 300 bleep as the bleep holder should always be available to answer the bleep promptly.
The on-call SpR is non-resident after 22:00 but is still part of the Trauma Team and is required to be able to attend the ED within 15 minutes of being contacted (even when non-resident).
The on-call SpR has the day off following being oncall.
Junior doctor rota
The on-call junior doctor (FY2/CT level) covers T&O during the day, and T&O / General Surgery overnight.
Annual Leave
You must complete a leave request form for all leave. This will need to be signed by your team Consultant and the rota co-ordinator (Mr Al-Nammari). You must give a minimum of 6 weeks’ notice (ideally 8 weeks) to allow time for clinics and /or operating lists to be adjusted accordingly.
No more than 3 SpRs will be allowed leave at any one time, except under exceptional circumstances. You are encouraged to book blocks of leave rather than single days.
Study Leave
A study leave form (pink form) must also be completed for all study leave.
Weekly timetables and consultant pairings can be found here. Your exact commitments should be discussed with your Clinical Supervisor (team Consultant). Wherever possible, you should attend the Trauma Meeting each weekday morning.
Consultant allocations and cross-cover
During periods of SpR leave certain duties may need covering (e.g. new patient Fracture Clinics, responsibility for the management of a Consultant’s in-patients). To help in determining who should provide the cover, the Consultants have been grouped into teams and, wherever possible, the SpRs in a team should cross-cover each other (see Appendix 2).
The hospital has an electronic patient record system (evolve), which is used to store some, but not all, patient records.
In general, all new patient Fracture Clinics should be covered by a SpR.
You will attend your consultants elective and trauma operating list. Should you work for two consultants, you will always go to the trauma list over the elective list.
Mr Servant runs a weekly teaching programme at 5.30pm on Tuesdays. The teaching will compromise a mixture of journal clubs, lectures, evidence-based debates on controversial topics, case discussions and viva practice.
All SpRs (including the on-call SpR) are encouraged to attend the regional teaching on Thursday afternoons.
Audit & Research
Mr Al-Nammari is the Consultant responsible for Audit. Mr Roberts is the Consultant responsible for Research.
Junior Trainee Mentoring
Chris Lawrence, one of the 2013-14 SpRs, started a mentoring programme that allocated a named Registrar mentor for each junior doctor. Further details are given in a separate document: ‘Mentor Handout Aug 15’. This has proved to be very useful and the programme continues.
Educational Supervisors
I am your Speciality Tutor. 3 other Consultants and I will share the role of Educational Supervisor – please refer to the separate list to find out your allocated Educational Supervisor. Your Educational Supervisor will not be one of your Clinical Supervisors.
You should ensure that I (as your Speciality Tutor), your Educational Supervisor and your Clinical Supervisor all have access to your ISCP record.
- Formal meetings with your Clinical Supervisor(s): you should arrange initial, mid-point, and end-of-placement meetings: first month, third / fourth month and sixth month of each 6-month placement.
- Formal meetings with your Educational Supervisor: please arrange a meeting at the beginning of each placement (to complete a learning agreement), and at the end of each placement, i.e. August, end-January or early February and June (before your ARCP in July).
- You should achieve or be on track to achieve certain targets (or waypoints) to improve your chance of a successful outcome at your next ARCP. Further details are on the JCST website:
- You should also keep your ISCP portfolio up-to-date, including uploading a current CV immediately prior to your ARCP.
I am always happy to address any questions or discuss any problems, issues or suggestions for improving the training in Ipswich.
Chris Servant
August 2015