ARCPs will be done – some face to face, some in absentia – on 12 / 13 June 2017.
All of the evidence considered for satisfactory progression must be in the ISCP. Paperwork will not be considered, (except MD/PhD theses!).
Please could you ensure that your ISCP portfolio is up to date by end May, and that you have had a summary meeting with your AES by 31 May (interim CS meeting therefore a few days before). Evidence is therefore considered for the period 1 June to 31 May for each year.
There will obviously be a “final” CS report to be completed towards end July – which will form part of the ARCP evidence for the following year.
This timeline allows time for deficiencies in the ISCP to be noted and rectified during the first week of June.
During the second week of June, your evidence will be looked at by the TPD / deputy TPD and the external SAC member (Mr Tennant).
Your AES should give you a steer as to what ARCP outcome to expect. The result from the ARCP itself should not be a big surprise.
Panels should not expect to award outcome 5 (insufficient evidence) in any case – hence the deadlines above. Persistent insufficient evidence will no doubt attract a poor outcome (e.g. ARCP 3) as this may be a sign of other deficiencies!!”
Thanks both – do sense check this and let me know if it needs clarification.
Phil J
Phillip Johnston MD FRCS (Tr & Orth)
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon |
Higher Surgical Training Programme Director |