Leadership Development Programme for Medical Trainees
Faculty Development Workshop
Tuesday 22nd May 2018
9.30am -1.00pm
Downing College, Cambridge
Registration, tea and coffee 9.30am -10.00am
Item |
Lead |
1 |
National Context and Importance of Medical Leadership |
Dr Arun Gupta |
2 |
Existing Medical Leadership Programmes in the East of England |
Jessica Watts |
3 |
Proposed new programme and recruitment of Local Faculty |
Dr Arun Gupta/Jessica Watts |
4 |
Faculty development and support |
Dr Arun Gupta/Jessica Watts/Dr Jane Sturgess |
5 |
Discussion |
All |
Dear Colleague,
You may be aware there is a national commitment to the provision of leadership and management development to all medical trainees, of whom there are ~4000 in the East of England. You will also be aware of a number of programmes that have already been developed and delivered over a number of years across the region including the now highly popular and over-subscribed Chief Resident programme amongst a range of other offerings.
As part of a national initiative, we have been developing an “offer” to more junior trainees (FY to ST3) which should be accessible to doctors at this stage in their training, offering a combination of on-line and experiential learning in their local clinical setting. The on-line component will be accessed through the existing Edward Jenner programme (with participants directed to modules within this programme most relevant for the medical trainee audience).
Whilst the programme has been developed by HEEoE on behalf of the region with central materials available to support delivery, we are seeking local faculty support for the delivery of components of the programme local e.g. masterclasses and a local one-day workshop (ILEAD).
We would therefore like to invite you to join us to learn more about the proposed programme and to offer our support to you in the development of your local offering which can be tailored to your local healthcare system.
We will be running a Faculty Development workshop to be held on Tuesday 22nd May from 9.30am – 1pm at Downing College, Cambridge. A buffet lunch will be available at 1pm.
We do hope that you will be able to join us to learn more about this exciting new development for our trainees.
Please could you confirm your attendance with Emma Shone, es351@medschl.cam.ac.uk by Friday 4th May.
Yours Sincerely,
Professor Bill Irish
Postgraduate Dean (GMC 3132872)
Dr Arun Gupta
Director of Medical Education and
EoE Lead for Leadership Development
Jessica Watts
Leadership Development Associate
Medical Trainee Leadership Development Programme