Dear Colleagues
Please find below links to Health Education England, East of England (HEE, EoE) resources web page with the fourth briefing document (June 2016) providing an update on progress of the joint repatriation project Health Education England (HEE) London and South East and East of England (EoE) are working on.
Web Links
HEE local teams continue to work collaboratively to repatriate postgraduate medical training posts which are currently managed by London & South East programmes into EoE managed programmes and the first phase of the repatriation of posts has been agreed. There will be no disruption to training throughout this project and any changes to programmes will be kept to an absolute minimum.
If you have any queries regarding the communication for this project or would like to meet with one of the Project Team to discuss progress of the repatriation project then please email the generic inbox:
Kind regards
Susan Knight
Senior Project Manager
Health Education England working across the East of England
2-4 Victoria House | Capital Park| Fulbourn | Cambridge | CB21 5XB
E. susan.knight19
Stay up to date by following HEEoE on Twitter @NHS_HealthEdEng
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