Applications are invited for the NORWICH FRCS COURSE on 12th and 13th April 2018.
This highly regarded course has been run since 1987:
- Two days of short/intermediate clinical cases and vivas, all under exam conditions
- Dedicated clinical sessions include hands, spine, foot/ankle and paediatrics
- Faculty include past examiners for the FRCS (Orth)
- Over 11 domains in feedback, the last course was rated as good or excellent in 98% of responses
- Places limited to 18 candidates ensuring a high faculty: candidate ratio
- Applicants must have successfully completed part I prior to the course start date.
Cost: £500
Apply by submitting your CV to:
Mr Lennel Lutchman, Course Convenor
01603 286584
The call for applications closes on 28/02/18, or sooner if all places are allocated.