Dear HEEoE T&O Trainee,
The Third East Anglian Orthopaedic Trauma Approaches Course
12-13 May 2016
Evelyn Cambridge Surgical Training Centre, Back Lane, Melbourn SG8 6DP
I can confirm that we have places available on the The Third East Anglian Orthopaedic Trauma Approaches Course, and attach a flyer for information.
I am pleased to inform you that we are now able to accept on-line applications and payments via our website, and the link below will take you directly to this course:
When you register you will be prompted to either pay on-line via paypal, or call me on 01223 274452 with your credit card details if you prefer (please note that you do need to register before calling).
If you have any problems registering or applying, please do not hesitate to contact me, and I look forward to meeting you in May.
I am very much looking forward to the next trauma approaches course, and hope you can make it. We are really lucky to have a great facility locally, deanery funding, and a first class local faculty coming.
National faculty will include Professor Costa (Oxford), Tim White (Edinburgh) and Pete Bates (Royal London); these are all exceptional teachers, and some of the UK’s leading trauma experts.
In return for heavily subsidised places (£150 for HEEoE trainees), and a lot of hard work from the faculty , local applicants will be expected to come to the course FULLY prepared. You will be marked on each station, and these marks will form part of your RITA assessment.
I think you’ll all really enjoy the course, learn loads and be knackered at the end – I know I was last year!
Kind regards,
Mrs Julie Graham
Administration & Finance Manager | Evelyn Cambridge Surgical Training Centre
Back Lane | Melbourn | Herts. | SG8 6DP
Tel: 01223 274452 | Email: jlg37 | Website:
Deputy Manager (Primary Care)|Postgraduate Medical Centre
Clinical School, Box 111 | Addenbrooke’s Hospital | Hills Road |Cambridge | CB2 0SP
Tel: 01223 274452 | Email: jlg37 | Website: