Dear T&O Trainees,


Cadaveric Elbow Arthroscopy Course

Thursday, 28th June 2018

Evelyn Cambridge Surgical Training Centre


I would like to make you aware that we have places available on the above Cadaveric Elbow Arthroscopy Course for higher grade trainees, and attach a flyer with details for information.


We are pleased to inform you that applications and payments are all now accepted via our website, and the link below will take you directly to this course:


When you register you will be prompted  to either pay on-line via paypal, or call myself on 01223 – 274452 or my colleague Gillian King on  01223 348885 with your credit/debit card details if you prefer (please note that you do need to register before calling).

Kind regards,

Mrs Julie Graham

Administration & Finance Manager | Evelyn Cambridge Surgical Training Centre

Back Lane | Melbourn | Herts. | SG8 6DP

Tel: 01223 274452 | Email: | Website:


Deputy Manager (Primary Care) | Postgraduate Medical Centre

Deakin Centre, Box 111 | Addenbrooke’s Hospital | Hills Road  |Cambridge | CB2 0QQ

Tel: 01223 274452 | Email: | Website:


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Or like our Facebook page: Addenbrooke’s Postgraduate Medical Centre