Dear all,
Many thanks for your replies regarding the Cambridge Orthopaedic Club day and evening next Saturday 19th March. I look forward to seeing you all during the day. Just some information about the day.
1. The academic day starts at 9am and will be at the Old Divinity School, St Johns College. This building is opposite the main gate of St Johns College and there will be signs to direct you from the main gate, which is on St John’s street (opposite the Round Church).
There is now limited cheaper parking in St John’s College at the back of Queen’s road (St Johns Playing fields car park) and if parked there you can walk through the college to get to the front/main gate. A map is attached. These 50 spaces will be on a first come first served basis and will cost £7.50 for the day. You can only park there if you bring a cheque for £7.50 made payable to the Cambridge Orthopaedic Club on arrival. If spaces have run out then the alternatives will be Park Street car park (cb5 8as) or the Grand Arcade car park (CB2 3QF).
2. The black tie evening event will start at 7pm with a drinks receptionBin the Old Kitchens of Trinity College. The main entrance of Trinity is on Trinity Street and the Old Kitchens and Great Hall are on the other side of the Great Court. There will be signposts to direct you. Dinner will start at 7.45pm.
Remember please send me your presentations by Wednesday.
Best wishes and see you all Saturday!
Car park directions .docx