Dear All trainees,

I know you’ve already had an email about my survey-based project, but so far I’ve only had 20 responses!! Thank you to the 20 of you who have filled it in, much appreciated.  I’m emailing again to ask if you could please please filling my survey. I know it will take about 8-10min, but I need a whole bunch of data to get any sort of change.

The point of this is to try and get slightly better access to services for all trainees whether you have any minor issues, training problems, are struggling with coping with workload or something more significant like undermining or bullying behaviour.

I have had a couple of meetings already and have more lined up fairly soon, and really I need to go in with some data. It doesn’t matter if you think everything is perfect the way it is, but judging by what’s happened with GP and Paeds when access to services became totally confidential, it may be something could do with having as a potential source of support. The survey is TOTALLY anonymous. And it’s not just about what happens if you are in dire straits, it’s useful to have a database of people who could be good to talk to if you get into ‘minor difficulties’ e.g. end up having to go to an inquest, are unable to get on with your boss for a whole rotation, slip behind with numbers etc etc.

Please fill it in! Pretty please?!

