Dear East of England T&O Trainee,
Lower Limb Workshop
13th March 2018
Evelyn Cambridge Surgical Training Centre
Further to me email below before Christmas, we only have a few trainees signed up to the Lower Limb Workshop scheduled for 13.03.18. I am sure you are aware that the regional trainers have worked hard to provide a cadaveric programme to enhance the EoE curriculum, so it is a little disappointing to see so few trainees making full use of the opportunities provided.
Places can be booked in the usual way through the website, at the link below:
Kind regards,
Mrs Julie Graham
Administration & Finance Manager | Evelyn Cambridge Surgical Training Centre
Back Lane | Melbourn | Herts. | SG8 6DP
Tel: 01223 274452 | Email: | Website:
Deputy Manager (Primary Care) | Postgraduate Medical Centre
Deakin Centre, Box 111 | Addenbrooke’s Hospital | Hills Road |Cambridge | CB2 0QQ
Tel: 01223 274452 | Email: | Website:
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