FRCS Hip Preparation Day
Thursday 9th November
West Suffolk Hospital Post Graduate Education Centre
Registration from 8.30-9 (coffee will be available!!)
Convenor: Mr Parsons
Please find the agenda HERE
Pre reading:
Tribology, principles of primary hip replacements, principles of revision surgery
***+ Evening meal at the Bushel Hotel*** See menu + Festive options
“Although parking is limited on site, and we would appreciate any efforts to car share, we have secured a reduced price for parking.
We will take the names of people parking on site, and for their cost of £2 instead of the all-day normal price of £12, they can park in the Main Visitors Car Park A.
Attendees must take their chip coin to the main parking office near the car park (blue portacabin) on departure from the hospital, and give their names and their £2 to the Vinci car parking officer, who will validate their coin”
Please reply with details, directly to Mr Parsons secretary
1. Name
2. Year of training
3. Experience so far with arthroplasty
4. If you would like to attend the dinner- PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR MENU CHOICE
5.If you’re likely to be driving to the hospital