MedShr – HEE Medical Education Fellows

Two Posts – One Year Appointment


Clinical interest in Cardiology, Orthopaedics, Dermatology or Oncology MedShr is looking for motivated and enthusiastic junior doctors to join the team as Education Fellows to work in collaboration with Health Education England to develop this exciting technology as a tool for formal learning.

MedShr enables clinical case discussion in a private professional network, and since its launch in 2015 has grown rapidly to over 400,000 members in 180 countries.

The main objective of these one year posts is to develop the role of case discussion through MedShr in formal medical education and training. This will be achieved in partnership with HEE working in collaboration with NHS bodies, education providers and other organisations such as Royal Colleges and Specialist Societies. The role will be geared to align each appointee’s own career ambitions in terms of specialty interests.

For further details please contact:

George Ulmann • Dr Asif Qasim

Closing date for applications: 28th February 2018


MedShr – HEE Medical Education Fellow JD Jan 18