Educational message:
I hope that everyone is still finding training opportunities during this lean period, which has affected every hospital in the UK, let alone the region.
My appreciation to all the training day convenors over the last year as the feedback has been awesome for every day. Your feedback from last year has been absorbed and applied so I hope that you all feel proud of the training programme that you have shaped, which appeals to all levels.
Special mention for the mock FRCS in NNUH; Messrs Sanghrajka & Giddie put on a tremendous day that helped the trainees experience what the exam will be like, the trainers see what the trainees are like under pressure and all of us know how great a trainer Mr Sanghrajka is, thanks! Well done to Arman for achieving the top score & Fouzia for the best score for a non – exam year candidate.
So how can we help the EOE help you during the Operative famine, well please refer to the updated training days throughout the year, which includes 4 Cadaveric days. One of those will be at the brand new Smith & Nephew lab in Watford. Why should we go there, when we have the Evelyn? It’s big (can accommodate 40 delegates.) It has more resources, that we cannot supply free at the Evelyn for you e.g. hip and knee arthroplasty, IM nails, Taylor Spatial Frames, Shoulder, hip, knee & ankle arthroscopic implants. They can even arrange video conferencing and live surgery. No longer do you need to pay money or fly to far away labs to simulate your training needs. No other training region has this such a day.
So what do you need to do, SIGN up by emailing the appropriate people for each day. With the Smith & Nephew lab day I need to know who is coming and what you want to experience so that I can also arrange faculty, e.g Mr Sanghrajka & Krkovic on Taylor Spatial Frames.
- Fingertip 2 Shoulder- sold out
- 13th March 2018 Foot & Ankle Cadaveric Workshop,Evelyn Surgical Training Centre, convenor Miss Thorisdottir
- 23rd March – Cambridge Orthopaedic Club Meeting
- 26th April 2018 Knee clinical, vivas & basic science day at PAH, convenor Mr Kutty
- 10th May 2018 Appropriate Decision Making In Trauma (ADMIT) Cadaveric Workshop & Evelyn Surgical Training Centre, convenors Messrs Joe Queally & Kang
- 21st June 2018 Soft tissue knee Cadaveric workshop, Evelyn Surgical Training Centre, convenor Mr Melton
- 28th & 29th June Paediatric Orthopaedic Workshop NNUH, convenor Mr Sanghrajka
- Monday 3rd September 2018 All specialty (except Spine) Cadaveric extravaganza @ Smith & Nephew lab in Watford – Limited to 40 places. If interested please email ASAP with your preference of activity (ST3s & ST4s will do hip & knee arthroplasty) all other STs can choose from shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip scope, soft tissue knee, foot & ankle & trauma reconstruction including Taylor Spatial Frames. I need to choices to arrange resources including faculty. No other rotation has such a dedicated day. Make the most of it.
- 19th November Hip clinical, viva & basic science day at WSH, convenor Mr Parsons.
- Wednesday 12th December 2018 Mock FRCS Clinical & vivas @ Addenbrookes. All pre FRCS candidates are expected to attend and a prize will be awarded to the top candidate. Please email with confirmation or your reason for non attendance.
Niel Kang
FRCS (Tr & Orth)
Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Director of Education
Trauma & Orthopaedic Higher Surgical Training
East of England Deanery
Associate Lecturer
Cambridge University School of Clinical Medicine
Specialty Adminstrator for Surgery: Jamie Biggs
Direct line: 01223 254844 internal: 254844