Spinal Regional Teaching Day – 2nd June – Ipswich Hospital

Spinal Regional Teaching Ipswich Hospital Postgraduate Centre Edith Cavell Room 10AM – 3.30PM 10.00AM – 11.00AM  Degenerative Spinal Conditions / Treatments 11.00AM – 11.30AM General Orthopaedic Viva 11.30AM – 12.30PM Saw Bones / Halo 12.30PM – 13.15PM Lunch 13.15PM – 14.00PM Spinal Emergencies (trauma, tumour, infection) 14.00PM – 14.30PM Spinal Viva 14.30PM – 15.00PM “Pathfinder” …

2017-18 Provisional Teaching Dates

Hi All, Building upon the changes for the 16-17 year there is an excellent program being developed for next year.  Below of the provisional dates for 2017-18.   Tuesday 22nd August FRCS preparation shoulder and elbow course, @ Deakin centre, Addenbrookes. Convenor NK September 13th ST3 induction, Addenbrookes. Convenors AS, LL & NK Friday 13th …

ARCPs 2017

Dear All, ARCPs will be done – some face to face, some in absentia – on 12 / 13 June 2017. All of the evidence considered for satisfactory progression must be in the ISCP. Paperwork will not be considered, (except MD/PhD theses!). Please could you ensure that your ISCP portfolio is up to date by …

Cambridge Orthopaedic Club Meeting – Sat 1st April 2017

Dear All, Date: Saturday 1st April 2017 Academic Presentations: King’s College, Cambridge Deadline for submission: 5th March – email abstracts to jai.rawal@addenbrookes.nhs.uk Dinner Tickets: http://www.cambridgeorthopaedicclub.co.uk/shop/ The deadline for abstracts for the annual Cambridge Orthopaedic Club meeting is fast approaching.  Please submit your abstract by the 5th March 2017 to Jai Rawal club secretary 2017.  Abstracts will then be selected for either a podium …

Teaching – 22nd December 2016 – Addenbrooke’s

Thursday 22nd December – Addenbrookes (Deakin Centre – Rooms 3/4) Topic: Clinical Examination & Vivas 10:00h – 17:00h Organiser: Niel Kang Journal Article: PROFHER Trial – to be critiqued, presented and discussed (check your emails). Lunch: Provided by MasonTech/Edge Medical presenting on Continuous Longitudinal Carbon Fiber Reinforced PEEK. Mr Stephen McDonnell has kindly agreed  to quiz you …

Teaching – 3rd Nov 2016

East of England Trauma & Orthopaedic Registrar Teaching Session Thursday 3rd November 09:30am Spine, Shoulder and Hand Deakin Centre, Cambridge University Hospital Dear All We are all really looking forward to seeing all the trainees gathered in one place for teaching! it’s also an opportunity for the trainees coming off the rotation to meet, advise …

UKITE 2016 Update

Dear Trainees, As you are aware since 2014, the BOA has provided access to the United Kingdom and Ireland In-Training Examination (UKITE) held every December within training programmes. Currently the UKITE hosts a question bank of around 11,500 MCQs and EMQs providing a powerful educational resource with high quality, relevant and curriculum-based questions. We would …

UKITE 2016

Dear Colleagues, This year the UKITE will run from 9th-16th December. BOA Associate members will receive their login details on Monday 3rd October, if you are not an Associate member and plan to sit the UKITE in December please email ukite@boa.ac.uk. Please do remind your colleagues that new membership applications must be submitted by 31st …